Contact our Service Team

Puh. +358-6-4753 344
Fax. +358-6-4753 383
Sähköposti: service(at)

Anna tietoa niin paljon kuin mahdollista. Mitä enemmän annat meille tietoa, sitä nopeammin pystymme vastaamaan.

Ota yhteyttä seuraavalla lomakkeella:


When ordering spare parts, please state the following details:

  • Type code of the machine
  • Manufacturing code of the machine
  • The part number
  • A description of the part
  • The quantity of the parts required

The type code and manufacturing code of the machine are indicated on the nameplate of the machine. The other information can be found from part list.

By proceeding this way you will prevent misunderstandings and you make sure to receive the correct spare parts and a prompt service.


Contact information Global USA, Mexico, Canada
Spare part inquiries and orders sales(at) sales(at)
Technical support service(at) service(at)
Telephone +358-6-4753 344 (+1)770-925-0520 ext. 245

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