
Exceptionally Positive Atmosphere and Strong Trust in Leadership – T-DRILL Earns Great Place to Work Certification™

T-DRILL Oy, part of Leinolat Group, has been awarded Great Place to Work Certification™. The globally recognized certification, granted based on an employee survey, is the most well-known acknowledgment of an outstanding employee experience. For an industrial company, achieving this certification on the first attempt is an exceptional accomplishment.


T-DRILL Makes a Half-Million-Euro Investment: New Mazak Multi-Tasking Machine Takes Component Manufacturing to Next Level

In the fall of 2024, T-DRILL’s component manufacturing was taken to the next level with a half-million-euro investment: a new Mazak Integrex i-100 multi-tasking machine. The new machine streamlines production by eliminating several work phases per cycle, enhancing product quality and boosting production efficiency by up to 50 % for specific components.


T-DRILL steps into welding – new machine makes demanding cylinder welding easier than ever before

CylinWeld is a new innovative machine from T-DRILL. It’s designed for demanding quality welding and will open new possibilities in tube fabrication.


Cordless excellence for stainless steel collaring

T-DRILL is happy to introduce a new cordless portable collaring machine specifically designed for on-site stainless steel collaring.


Advice Over Sales: Bert Versteeg’s Genuine Approach Fueled a 20-Year Career as T-DRILL Representative

This year, Bert Versteeg was chosen as T-DRILL’s Representative of the Year. Bert, awarded for his exceptional performance, strong commitment and positive attitude, has represented T-DRILL in the Benelux for more than 20 years through his company Vebru. One of the key factors behind Bert’s lengthy career is his genuine approach to working with both customers and resellers.


T-DRILL Oy Acquires Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Portfolio from Larikka Oy

T-DRILL Oy and Larikka Oy have agreed on a business transaction that covers the intellectual property rights and product rights for five different pipe processing and handling machines and technology, as well as the patent portfolio. The portfolio includes nine main patents and 43 country-specific patents across 24 countries.


All-new products and important interactions: Tube 2024 one of T-DRILL’s most successful participations

In April, T-DRILL participated in the Tube 2024 trade fair at wire & Tube in Düsseldorf, Germany. T-DRILL has decades of history participating in the biennial trade fair, often described as one of the most significant events in the industry. In terms of the connections made at the fair, Export Manager Ville Hautanen describes Tube 2024 as one of the company’s most successful participations so far.



T-DRILL joins ACHEMA 2024 in two different booths with its collaring and flanging machines. We welcome you to join us and see T-DRILL machines in action!


T-DRILL Launches a New Product Line for Collaring, Punching and Spinning Copper-Iron Tubes


T-DRILL Service Engineer Harri Aikio Has Visited Almost Every Country in the World

Picture a man. He is getting off an airplane somewhere in the world after an 11-hour flight. He grabs his belongings, stretches his limbs and says goodbye to the crew who know him by name. He casually gets off the plane and without batting an eye, hops in a cab, travels to his destination – and gets straight to work. Is he a president? A movie star? No. He is T-DRILL’s Service Engineer Harri Aikio.


Introducing a new Cordless Portable Collaring Machine

We are proud to unveil the latest addition to our portable tool lineup – the T-DRILL T-54c Cordless Portable Collaring Machine.


Revolutionizing HVACR Manufacturing

T-DRILL's new S-56 PC 1500 Punching and Collaring machine revolutionizes HVACR manufacturing, seamlessly merging collaring and punching unit into one.


New Collaring Machine for bent tubes

T-DRILL introduces its latest collaring machine for bent tubes.


T-DRILL Industries Inc.’s Toby Allen: From the Machine Shop to CEO

On Jan 1st 2023, Toby Allen was appointed CEO of T-DRILL Industries Inc. located in Atlanta, Georgia. The Georgia native, who has been with T-DRILL for almost 25 years, has embraced his new role with gratitude, assuredness and humbleness. Toby’s personal goal as CEO is to keep the business growing and moving forward at a steady pace.


Juan Ramón Has Worked with T-DRILL for Over 12 Years: “When I Introduce the Technology, People’s Faces Light Up”

Juan Ramón from Jartool represents T-DRILL products in Mexico. Ramón has more than 12 years of experience of working with T-DRILL products. There are two main reasons for Ramón’s devotion to T-DRILL: the people and the product.


The HVACR Industry Is Going Through a Shift: T-DRILL Developing Solutions for Collaring, Spinning and Punching Copper-Iron Tubes

T-DRILL systems have been used for producing tubular components for the HVACR field for decades. HVACR is currently going through a shift. As global warming increases, the use of synthetic refrigerants such as hydrofluorocarbons is increasingly restricted. One of the alternatives for HFCs is carbon dioxide, which a natural refrigerant with low environmental impact. The challenge of using CO2 is its high operating pressure. High amounts of pressure in the tubes puts even more emphasis on the durability of the system’s joints. Since The T-DRILL method results in a more reliable, durable joint, it will continue to produce the safest tube assemblies for the HVACR industry as the use of CO2 increases.


T-DRILL:in eläkeläisryhmä kokoaa vanhat työtoverit yhteen

Vaasalainen Juha Ikola toimii koollekutsujan roolissa T-DRILL eläkeläiset -ryhmässä. Ryhmä koostuu tällä hetkellä lähes 40:stä T-DRILL:iltä eläkkeelle jääneestä henkilöstä. Yhteisissä tapahtumissa vaihdetaan kuulumisia, liikutaan luonnossa, pysytellään ajan tasalla vanhan työnantajan kuulumisista ja tutustutaan eläkeläisiä kiinnostaviin aiheisiin.


The T-DRILL Method is Taught in the Union Instructor Training Program – Positive Feedback from Both the Trainees and the Organizer

One of the classes taught in the Union Instructor Training Program is called Alternative Joining Methods. Among the methods taught in the class is the T-DRILL collaring method, introduced to the class by T-DRILL's Applications Engineer Dylan Howell.


Ota osaa arvontaan!

Käy osallistumassa T-DRILLin LinkedIn-sivuilla arvontaan. Voit voittaa tämän T-35 putkenhaaroituskoneen!


Varying Tasks and Financial Stability Drew Export Manager Jaakko Anttila Back to T-DRILL

Jaakko Anttila had his first job at T-DRILL when he was just 15 years old. Today, Anttila works at T-DRILL as an Export Manager. In the years in between, Anttila obtained two degrees and worked in different positions at different companies and even operated as an entrepreneur.


T-DRILL summer plans in Frankfurt

We are inviting you to join us at Achema in August.


Manufacturing T-fittings with a new TBC-115

Completely new Tube Branching Center for fastest T-DRILL T-fitting manufacturing ever.


New advanced flanging machine F-420e

Globally the first of its kind, T-DRILL’s revolutionary Flanging Machine F-420e, is by far the most advanced flanging machine on the market – implemented with entirely programmable servo technology.


Customers Benefit from T-DRILL Industries Inc.’s Local Service and Strategically Built Partnerships

T-DRILL Industries Inc. has managed to create a solid market in the US for almost 40 years. President Jarno Syrenius believes that the secret to their success lies in their products, local customer service and strategically built partnerships.


A Lifetime with T-DRILL – Faith in Machines and Constant Development Kept Stephen Szyplinski Selling T-DRILL for 42 Years


Webshop open worldwide

T-DRILL’s Webshop is now open worldwide

Our online store for portable tools is available now for all the countries in the world.


Polysoude UK to Distribute T-DRILL Products in the United Kingdom

As of May 1st, Polysoude UK will take on T-DRILL sales in the United Kingdom. The companies’ extending partnership will benefit both organizations as well as customers.


T-DRILL and Wauseon Machine and Manufacturing Announce Strategic Partnership

We are thrilled to announce that T-DRILL has entered into a strategic partnership with Wauseon Machine and Manufacturing.


Faster manifold collaring than ever before

We are pleased to introduce a new SEC-115 to be part of our selection. An automatic tool changer for five different collaring tools makes the production of manifolds with multiple collar diameters easier, faster, and more productive than ever before.


T-DRILL to Collaborate with LTS Maskin AS in Norway

T-DRILL is happy to announce partnership with LTS Maskin AS, a seller of metalworking machines and tools.


Sleep Easy Tonight by Making a TD-Care Service Agreement

T-DRILL offers their customers two types of TD-Care Service Agreements. Making one will keep your production running, your T-DRILL machine in pristine condition and your mind at ease.


T-DRILL website available in Polish

We are pleased to announce that the T-DRILL website now features a Polish-language version: Strona internetowa T-DRILL teraz także w języku polskim!


T-DRILL’s new ERP system for better customer efficiency

T-DRILL has just launched a new ERP system to service our customers even better. With Monitor ERP, our efficiency and response time steps up to a whole new level.


T-DRILL website available in Portuguese

Our Portuguese audience, this news is for you: O site da T-DRILL agora também em Português! Meaning, that the T-DRILL website is now available also in Portuguese.


T-DRILL Demonstration Truck & Trailer for the US markets

For the US markets we have a Demonstration Truck & Trailer that we can show our T-DRILL equipment and processes at your facility.


T-DRILL Oy is Kauppalehti’s Achiever of 2016-2020

T-DRILL Oy has received Kauppalehti’s Achiever 2016-2020 Certificate. Meaning, that T-DRILL is recognized as one of the top-performing businesses in Finland – for five years in a row!


Maintenance services in our T-DRILL factories

How to arrange maintenance these days? We in T-DRILL provide services made in our factories in Laihia, Finland and Atlanta, USA. All that happens even faster and cheaper as there is no need for traveling.


New Industry 4.0 ready Collaring machine for straight & bent tubes

New release – Fully automatic S-56 Collaring machine. As an Industry 4.0 ready machine utilizing the latest technology, the brand-new S-56 is very versatile and easily customized to fit specific customer needs.


New Industry 4.0 ready Collaring machine for up to SCH 40 pipes

We are proud to launch a new Collaring Machine for up to SCH 40 pipes. The brand-new T-DRILL TEC-220 is an Industry 4.0 ready machine offering multifold capabilities.


Our T-DRILL website available in Italian

We are pleased to announce that the T-DRILL website now features an Italian-language version – Ora il sito web T-DRILL è anche in Italiano!


T-DRILL’s New Managing Director Jouni Matikainen

T-DRILL Oy is pleased to announce that Mr. Jouni Matikainen has been appointed as the Company's new Managing Director. Mr. Matikainen assumes this role from Mrs. Anne Hanka, who is retiring after a 40-year career at T-DRILL.


T-DRILL launches US Webshop for Portable Machines

We have designed a new online shopping experience for greater accessibility to our portable machines & accessories and enhanced our customer's experience with T-DRILL in US. Check it out! 👇


T-DRILL website now also in Turkish

Good news to our Turkish audience – T-DRILL Web Sitesi’nin Türkçe versiyonu yayınlandı! 🇹🇷 Meaning, that the T-DRILL website is now available also in Turkish to better serve our customers in this market.


T-DRILL website available in Russian

We are happy to announce that we have the T-DRILL Website now also in Russian, to serve our neighbors and the CIS countries better! Проверьте наш новый сайт на русском языке 👇


T-DRILL Supplier Day 2019 in Laihia, Finland

We were lucky to have over thirty of our national partners joining the T-DRILL Supplier Day at our headquarters in Laihia to learn more about our various products, services and production forms.


New Portable Collaring System PLUS 115 SS for Stainless Steel

New Portable Collaring System PLUS 115 SS is an optimal solution for the process piping industry and suits well for both construction and renovation projects, as well as the demanding field conditions in maintenance and repair work. 👇


New Transportable Collaring Machine for factory and on-site use

New Transportable Collaring Machine T-115 for Stainless and Carbon Steel Branching is an ideal solution for both factory and on-site use for various industries. 👇


New Tube End Spinner to our product range!

We are releasing a brand new Tube End Spinning Machine SPM-115 for flat closing of copper and brass tubes! As a fully automatic servo controlled machine it has many great advantages to offer. 👇


New Portable Collaring Machine for Stainless Steel Branching!

We are excited to introduce a new Portable Collaring Machine T-65 SS for highly effortless, ergonomic and efficient Stainless Steel 17–54 mm Branching! Check out the great benefits 👇


Video of the New High-Speed Collaring Machine S-80 is out!

Video of our latest innovation – New Fully Automatic Collaring Machine S-80 – is here! Check out the brand new video to see how extremely fast and highly effective the machine is 👇


New High-speed Fully Automatic Collaring machine S-80

Take your productivity to the next level with our latest innovation! The S-80 provides you with all the features you need for today’s demands, and as a 4.0 industry ready machine, also to respond the future needs.


T-DRILL at the SMM fair in Hamburg 4 – 7 sept 2018

T-DRILL is exhibiting with Leinolat Group at the leading international maritime trade fair SMM. Welcome to visit our stand A5.200 to see T-DRILL's new fully automatic Flanging Machine F-170 in action!


T-DRILL strengthens its component manufacturing capacity with a new Mazak

T-DRILL’s latest investment, a new Mazak INTEGREX i-200ST multi-tasking machine will strengthen the production capacity of our component manufacturing in Isokyrö.


T-DRILL website available now also in French & Spanish!

We are excited to announce that the T-DRILL website is now available in two new languages: French and Spanish, to serve our global audiences better.


New video of the HFT-2000 SS Collaring Unit

We have just released a new video of the awarded Collaring Unit HFT-2000 SS! Featuring easy pin-to-hole positioning and new pilot hole adjustment mechanism, the Hand Feed Table (HFT) is highly productive in standard stainless steel manifold production. With the HFT-2000 SS you can produce five 54 mm collars in less than ten minutes without moving the tube.

Check out the brand new video to see how extremely easy and effective the process is!


Successful Tube 2018 exhibition

T-DRILL were exhibiting 16–20.4.2018 at the World's leading trade fair for the tube industry - Tube Düsseldorf 2018. The exhibition was a great success, with a huge amount of visitors from all around the world enquiring about a number of applications. Let the pictures tell you more!


T-DRILL at Tube 2018 fair

Witness our slogan “Productivity as a Product” at Tube 16–20.4.2018 in Düsseldorf, Germany

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