Juan Ramón Has Worked with T-DRILL for Over 12 Years: “When I Introduce the Technology, People’s Faces Light Up”

Juan Ramón from Jartool represents T-DRILL products in Mexico. Ramón’s work as a T-DRILL representative includes various tasks related to sales and aftersales. Ramón travels around the country introducing T-DRILL products to potential customers, visiting existing customers, handling spare part and tool orders as well as providing customers with the needed documentation.

– My role is to be the face of T-DRILL in Mexico. It is important to serve customers with local knowledge and in their own language. It brings the customer added value and smooths out processes. My goal is to provide the best possible support to our existing and potential customers before, during and after sales.

T-DRILL’s Unique Collaring Technology Makes Selling Easy

In Mexico, T-DRILL products are mostly delivered to the HVAC industry. Two other large segments are the automotive and aerospace industries.

– In many cases, customers choose T-DRILL for the exceptional collaring technology. It provides a significant upgrade to their production. It improves the quality of their product and generates savings in materials, stock etc. The T-DRILL technology is unlike anything on the Mexican market. I would say that the products are practically easy to sell.

Customers also choose their suppliers based on service, spare parts and delivery. Ramón works closely together with T-DRILL Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia. T-DRILL often has machines in stock in the US, in which case deliveries can be made even on tight schedules. T-DRILL service is also managed from Atlanta.

– I join the T-DRILL engineers on service calls whenever I can. I want our support to be as comprehensive as possible. Being there enables me to keep up with the customer’s situation and to provide them local support as well.

“It Is Easy to Work With T-DRILL”

Ramón has more than 12 years of experience of working with T-DRILL products. There are two main reasons for Ramón’s devotion to T-DRILL: the people and the product.

– T-DRILL always helps me with anything I need. They assist me with putting together quotations, answer my questions, provide training…all aspects of our communication and cooperation work well. It is easy to work with T-DRILL.

Ramón has never seen a machine that has the same performance level as T-DRILL machines.

– I have never seen a machine that can do the same with the product and the material. When I do shows and introduce the technology, I see people’s faces light up. In every single show in the past 12 years, I have seen the excitement and the astoundment. I am happy that T-DRILL gave me the opportunity to represent them.

Visit Jartool’s website

Read more about the T-DRILL collaring method

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